26 октября
Liev Schreiber at Ukrainian Charity Dinner in New York
New York, 18th of October – Way of Peace International Foundation held the fourth Charity Dinner in New York, raising more than $112 000 to help Ukraine. This summer, during the events in Prague, Paris, and Nice, the fund collected more than $400 000 and used it to purchase cars for Ukrainian defense.
Міжнародний фонд “Way of peace” Миколи Тищенка провів четверту благодійну вечерю “CHARITY DINNERS” в Нью-Йорку, де зібрав для допомоги Україні понад 4 000 000 гривень. Цього літа, під час заходів у Празі, Парижі та Ніцці зібрали понад 15 000 000 гривень. За ці кошти придбали автомобілі, які відправили в епіцентри бойових дій.
Alla Baranovska Alla Baranovska, Liev Schreiber, Alisa Khomer
Засновниця благочинних вечорів, Алла Барановська, разом з амбасадоркою фонду «Дорога миру» Алісою Хомер вже вдруге покидають рідні міста через війну. Дівчата вперше зіштовхнулися з російською агресією ще у 2014 році у Донецьку.
The Charity Dinners project was created by Ukrainian entrepreneur and well-known influencer Alla Baranovska with the support of the Way of Peace and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. The initiative aims to remind the world about the importance of financial and informational support for Ukraine. Charity dinners also fulfill an essential diplomatic mission — they introduce diplomats, ambassadors, ministers, patrons, and other guests to Ukrainian culture, national cuisine, and music.
The funds collected from the auction and sale of dinner tickets are to be used to purchase cars for the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Also, part of the funds will be transferred to the United24, founded by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.
The headliner of the evening was the famous Ukrainian singer Tina Karol. The сhefs Olga Martynovska and Volodymyr Yaroslavskyi, MasterChef judges in Ukraine, immersed the guests in the Ukrainian culinary traditions through the menu consisting of traditional and modern dishes of Ukrainian cuisine — palyanitsa with homemade oil, fried donuts with pike roe and sour cream according to the ancient technology, borsch, cabbage rolls, Chicken Kyiv and honey cake with buckwheat popcorn and salted caramel.
The auction was an essential part of the dinner, where iconic lots were presented. Such as the Ukrainian flag from the de-occupied Hoptivka, Kharkiv region, donated by the Children of War Victims Foundation, and a bracelet made from the last pre-war batch of Azovstal. The lots were sold for $3,000 and $3,500 accordingly.
Taylor Neisen, Liev Schreiber, Sasha Schreiber, Kai Schreiber
Actor Liev Schreiber bought a Vyshyvanka – the traditional embroidered shirt from the 1920s, a painting Cvetnist’ by the artist Ol'svol'd, and a rooster figurine that survived the attacks on Borodyanka from a resident of Severodonetsk.
Alina Baikova Valeriia Manziuk
Daria Shevchenko Anna Nosok
The painting Seraphim by the Ukrainian artist Olga Shtein was sold for $8,500. Famous for his bravery, the governor of the Mykolaiv region, Vitaly Kim, handed over a painting from the partially destroyed building of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration, which sold for more than $20 000, and the National Football Team of Ukraine handed over a T-shirt with players' signatures.
Harley Newman Katya Kulyzhka Masha Dovzhenko
Alina Kurska, Denis Ganza Ksenia Dubovitz Mykola Hruts
The dinner location deserves special attention — the modern LAVAN541 space in Manhattan. Thanks to technological equipment and projections, guests could immerse themselves in the atmosphere of Ukraine.
Each charity dinner's aesthetics introduces Ukraine's symbols and carries deep meanings. The viburnum became a symbol of dinner in New York, the berries of which have long been associated with the power of family, blood, and the close connection of generations. Selena Rai and the Bloomenty platform prepared a large-scale viburnum embroidery and traditional handmade ornaments that decorated the premises. The WORLD SPA health oasis with traditional and cultural experiences from around the world helped prepare the dinner.
Timur & Inna Miroshnychenko Tina Karol
Volodymyr Yaroslavskyi, Olga Martynovska, Liev Schreiber
Ведучим благодійного заходу був Тимур Мірошниченко, а хедлайнеркою — Тіна Кароль. Гостей пригощали незмінні шефи та судді «МастерШеф» Ольга Мартиновська та Володимир Ярославський. Меню складалось як з традиційних, так і з сучасних страв української кухні — паляниця з домашньою олією, пряжені пончики з ікрою щуки та сметаною за стародавньою технологією, борщ, голубці, котлета по-київськи та медівник з попкорном із гречки та солоною карамеллю.
Mykola Tyshchenko
Jill Simon & Marcey Brownstein
Liev Schreiber
Rosa Sanchez